For Sales


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Sales workflows made easy.

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More features:

  • Designed to work with any agency size.

  • No additional hardware or software to buy.

  • Cloud based and designed to work the way you do, on any device.

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For Collections

See how Collecttix enables your agents to streamline their workflow, manage placements, and present a consistent and professional message to both clients and debtors.

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For Management

Tracking your business has never been easier. Check out how Collecttix gives you insights into collections, sales, and accounting.

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Phone Features

Our integrated phone system makes it easy to have sophisticated features once only available to the largest firms.

Sales Organizer

The built in organizer help agents manage their workflow.

Smart Reminders

You can set reminders to alert you to follow up with a client or account.

Custom Templates

A simple interface makes it easy to customize and polish your notes, emails and letters.


Collecttix is with security in mind. Control when and where your people can access information with flexible security options.

Instant Messaging

Instant messaging is built right in the program. See who is online, send a quick note, or with a single check, Collecttix send your message and note the company or placement.

Email Import

Add an email to any account or company. Simply forward or CC the email to a special email address and it will be added to the account or company.

Always Updated

Updates are added to frequently. Expect to see new features and enhancement often. Suggestions are welcome on our support page.